How to Measure Planner Temperature in Flames
Combustion analysis is an important task to do in order to ensure that there the flames in furnace are perfect for the purpose. Remember that there are several by-products produced by combustion, including the temperature. They need to be controlled, and so combustion analysis is a necessity for measuring the planar temperature in flames.
Combustion by-products have an impact on rate of flow, which is crucial to the production. The analysis helps you know the flame propagation modes such as planar flame and negatively and positively stretched flames, and their impact on the flow rate and equivalence ratio. This will also tell you the effect, of various parameters such as channel aspect ratio, divergence angle, and heating rate on the formation of planar flames.
Spectrometer is the device used for combustion analysis. There are many brands in the USA offering flame temperature study solutions. En’ Urga Inc, for example, which offers ES series spectrophotometers used for a wide range of applications such as:
- Combustion research
- Temperature, gas concentration, and soot volume fraction measurement in flames
- Flame spread measurements
- Solid surface/flame impingement studies
- Emission tomography from large scale fires
They are also used for several industrial applications such as measuring temperature and other elements in gas turbine combustor, monitoring hot and molten metal process, measuring turbine blade temperature, etc.
How does it work?
Spectrometers have a sapphire window mounted on the interface plate which lets the radiation enter the inlet port of spectrometer. The radiation is passed through a set of collimating mirrors, and then there is a pair of calcium fluoride prisms which scatter the radiation. The dispersed radiation falls on onto a PbSe array which converts the radiation into current. There is a proprietary drive circuit which converts these currents to voltages, amplifies them and sends them to the data acquisition board. The InfraSpec graphical user interface mounted on the data acquisition board converts these voltages into spectral radiation intensities to be interpreted and analyzed for understanding different elements and temperature in the flame.
Spectrophotometers by En’ Urga Inc are a good option if you want to use it for various applications. However, you should also search for other options as there are many such companies as provide solutions for measuring the temperature and other components in flame. Gather all options and compare them, considering the price factor. Choose the one best suited. Get to know more about planar temperature in flames here, and this might help you can in here in this regard.